Business Writing Example

Business Writing Example

Darcy Smith
1515 Applewhite
Katy, TX 77255


February 28, 2018

Dr. James Pirza
Pirza Health Associates
2514 Grapevine
Katy, TX 77408

Dear Dr. Pirza:

I am writing today because of serious concerns I have about the billing/collection practices in your office.  I am a new patient who came in to see you for my annual exam in September 2017, just after turning 40.  I had no medical complaints at the time of my annual exam and my only concern was that my high blood pressure, which had been well-controlled by medicine prior to that point, was creeping up so that I was testing in the high-normal range.  Moreover, while I came to you that day appearing lethargic, I explained to you and to the student nurse who examined me prior to you coming into the office that I had no general complaints about energy, but, instead, had been up all night the night before with a sick child.

I did not ask for any tests outside of a normal annual examination, nor was I informed that you suspected any diseases or disorders or that you were ordering any test that was not a routine part of an annual examination for a 40-year old.   Imagine my surprise to discover that many of the tests I was given were outside of a normal annual examination.  The blood work, which was done in your office and by your staff, seemed routine.  Imagine my surprise when I was billed by your office for the entire $6,000 of my yearly out-of-pocket maximum for that blood work, and discovered that you had billed my insurance company tens of thousands of dollars for tests that I discovered were unnecessary. Furthermore, your office has sent bills for services my insurance company has already paid for, and at prices well over the rate you have negotiated with my insurer.

To say that I am upset and alarmed about these billing practices is an understatement.  I would like to arrange a time to speak with you about these bills and resolve these issues.   Please let me know when we can speak without interruption.

Thank you,


Darcy Smith

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